4 types of invoices can be recognized:
- manually issued invoices, where the term of payment can be defined
- invoices issued for receipts
- automated invoices – used in case of online payments
- corrective invoices issued to any aforementioned type of an invoice.
Each of these types can have a separate numeration.
The numeration can be:
- monthly
- yearly
- consistent
You can also define the register that will easily separate different types of invoices. For example:
- INT/number/month/year – this would be an example of an automatic invoice
- IFR/number/month/year – this would be an example of a invoice issued for receipts
- I/number/month/year – this would be an example of a manually issued invoice
- CI/number/month/year – this would be an example of a correct invoice
Consult and define the numeration with your Accounting Department.
In order to set up the numeration, issue a ticket through our Support ticketing system and provide us with:
- invoice numeration templates
- whether the numeration is to be monthly, yearly or consistent.
You can also define an additional register:
- Go to the Club settings -> Configuration -> Finance -> Register:
- Click on the plus icon, in order to create a new register: