STEP 9: How to import members database?

If you already have a database containing your members’ data from the previous system, contact with us in order to import them into eFitness software.

1. Contact with your trainer, who held your training from eFitness system and inform him/her about your desire to import the database.

2. Prepare an excel file for the import.

Important! If you would like to import members with an active membership, you should create these memberships in eFintess prior to the import. New memberships can be created in Club/Chain settings -> Memberships -> Memberships. Names of your new memberships should be identical, compared to these imported ones.

3. We will conduct a test import before running the full one. After the test import, we will ask you to verify the data imported.

4. If the test import was successful, we will conduct a complete import from your file.