New club member status and an update of Active Pre status

We kindly inform you that a new “No status” status (gray color of the bar) will be added to the “Club Members” list in the system.

The status means a new member who has never had a membership and does not have a current one, either in the future or the membership has been canceled.

Also, the “Active Pre” status will change the color of the bar from gray to light green. The status will be added to the club member who is waiting for the start of membership. If this is the first membership (with a date of start in the future) or another one (with a start date in the future, when there is no any other current membership).

In case of arrears – “Active Debt” will have priority over “Active Pre”. This applies to a situation where the membership is added with a start date in the future and with a payment term immediately. The club member will first get the status of “Active Pre”, and after the payment deadline, “Active Debt”. Another example: A club member with Ex Debt status (the membership is overdue) gets a new membership with the start in the future – the status after adding the membership will be Active Debt.

Until now, a club member added to the system on the “Club Members without a membership” list was given the status with a gray bar “Active Pre”. After a membership was added to his profile, the status changed depending on the type of the pass (paid, freepass, free). If the membership was added with the start in the future, the corresponding status was immediately after signing. It was impossible to distinguish between club members waiting for the membership to start and club members with an active membership.

In case of any question, we invite you to contact our Helpdesk team by creating a ticket in the eFitness system.