How to check ended memberships in the Memberships 2.0 report?

Check which memberships have ended or will end in the future by using the Memberships 2.0 report. In this report, you will also find information that were included in archive reports.

The Memberships 2.0 report can be found in the Reports tab -> Memberships -> Memberships 2.0:

Options available in Memberships 2.0 report

In the Memberships 2.0 report there is a “More filters” option. After clicking on it, more filters appear and then you can select the detailed information that will show up in this report:

In the Memberships 2.0 report there is also available a “Select additional information” option, which after clicking on it is possible to select additional information that will be displayed in this report:

After selecting additional information the report will reload and show detailed data:

You can also find information about the Memberships 2.0 report in the tutorial:

How does Memberships 2.0 report work?

Filtering capabilities for ended memberships

1. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + All (termination type)

All memberships that were terminated or canceled in the selected period, including freepass and external system type (e.g. multisport):

The Memberships 2.0 report for ended memberships with all types of termination works the same as the “Ended agreements” archive report.

2. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Terminated memberships (termination type)

All memberships that were terminated in the selected period (the selected date range includes their end date), including freepass and external system type (e.g. multisport):

3. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Ended (termination type)

All naturally ended (without employee interference) memberships, including freepass and external system type (e.g. multisport):

4. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Client’s termination (termination type)

Memberships that were terminated in the selected period, and this was the result of client’s termination. Memberships with an external system (e.g. multisport) and freepass are included:

5. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Automatic termination (termination type)

Memberships that were terminated in the selected period, and this was the result of an automatically issued termination (that action results from the system configuration – after how many unpaid installments the membership is automatically terminated). Memberships with an external system (e.g. multisport) and freepass are included:

6. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Membership cancellation (termination type)

Memberships that were terminated in the selected period, and this was the result of membership cancellation in the system by an employee – including freepass and external system type (e.g. multisport):

7. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Automatic membership cancellation (termination type)

Memberships that were terminated in the selected period, and this was the result of an automatically issued termination (that action results from the system configuration – after how many days, an unpaid membership for which there was no payment attempt is automatically canceled). Memberships with an external system (e.g. multisport) and freepass are included:

8. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Membership’s renewal cancellation (termination type)

Memberships that were terminated in the selected period and were to be renewed in any way after termination (automatic renewal, change of membership period to indefinite, continuation with another membership), but there was a cancellation of such renewal:

9. Ended + Any (type of adding the membership) + Not renewed agreements (termination type)

Memberships that have been terminated in any way (termination, early termination, natural termination) and there is no other membership that ends later than the one selected in the report. Memberships with an external system (e.g. multisport) and freepass are included:

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